The short answer on this is "no". The long answer is: "Once upon a time when the Church was just getting started...". My answer to this is: I certainly hope not! If so, I must have missed the memo!
Most "mainstream" Christians stand to be surprised by what the Bible actually has to say about polygamy. To see for yourself, read my articles:
Polygamy: Both an Abomination and A Commandment
What's in the Bible? Sister Wives and Two Love Stories: Jacob, Rachel & Leah
Do Mormons have horns?
The reason I answer this question here is that the asking of the question got its start because of polygamy.
In the early nineteenth century, before the Mormon church discontinued the practice of polygamy, it was common folklore to talk about philanderers growing horns after cheating on their spouses. Since, contrary to Mormon doctrine regarding the practice, polygamy was viewed as a way to legitimize infidelity, it was no long stretch to start saying polygamists also grow horns. Again, this is pure folklore, no post-baptismal DNA re-sequencing required!
Obviously, the answer to the question is "no".
But if anybody asks, the reason why I don't have horns is that my Dad was a convert - our family hasn't been associated with Mormonism long enough for our genes to be affected. We'll see how my children turn out...
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