In the summer of 2011, I started thinking about using the internet to promote the restored gospel of Jesus Christ. In the course of doing some keyword research, I learned that every month, tens of millions of people are asking Google questions, answers to which I grew up knowing.
Those answers have meant everything to me. I don't think it an exaggeration to say that, to me, having those answers makes the difference between living empty inside, the human being in me un-nurtured, and feeling alive in Christ. It has been an emotional eye opener to me to realize that so many people are desperately seeking answers I believe I have, and living so much of their lives without. A strong desire to help fill this void has been a driving force behind my decision to write this blog.
More recently, in the 183rd Annual General Conference of the Church, LDS leaders told the worldwide membership that we need to be using modern means at our disposal for sharing the gospel. I was reminded of something the Lord told early Latter-Day Saints: “...if ye have desires to serve, ye are called to the work; for behold the field is white already to harvest...” (Doctrine & Covenants 4:3-4). Given my strong desire to share what I believe and why, I knew it was time to start this project.
One of my many favorite hymns, written by Philip Paul Bliss in the nineteenth century, is “Brightly Beams Our Father's Mercy”, which reads:
“Brightly beams our Father's mercy
From his lighthouse evermore,
But to us he gives the keeping
Of the lights along the shore.”
“Dark the night of sin has settled;
Loud the angry billows roar.
Eager eyes are watching, longing,
For the lights along the shore.”
“Trim your feeble lamp, my brother;
Some poor sailor, tempest-tossed,
Trying now to make the harbor,
In the darkness may be lost.”
“Let the lower lights be burning;
Send a gleam across the wave.
Some poor fainting, struggling seaman
You may rescue, you may save.”
The term “lower lights” has multiple meanings. Sometimes, the geological features surrounding a first lighthouse is such that a second, smaller one is necessary. This can be called a “lower lighthouse”. Additionally, back in the days before sonar and GPS, sailors needed a way to see dangerous rocks, shallow areas, and other threats as they approached a shore or the entrance to their destination harbor. They would send out men in boats, with lanterns, to shine a light on dangerous rock formations or alert sailors to shallow areas where they might otherwise run aground. These too were called “lower lights”.
I would be of all men most arrogant if I believed that through the Lord's modern prophets and apostles I had been given the most precious gift ever given to mankind – the original fulness of the ancient gospel of Jesus Christ – and had been unwilling to share it.
And so it is that, feeling a deep sense of responsibility toward my Heavenly Father, and a strong desire to help my fellow men come to find what I have, I humbly take up the keeping of just one tiny “lower light” along the shore.
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Evidences of the Scriptures
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Content Advisory
I have written this blog with the express intent of telling all who may be interested what I believe as a Mormon and why. With that said, the views expressed herein are of a decidedly pro-Christian, conservative nature, with some room for liberal discussion. Inasmuch as my religious beliefs influence my political persuasions, in those occasions when I reluctantly venture into political discussion on my otherwise-religious blog, such discussion is guaranteed to follow a pro-Christian, conservative vein.
This blog is dedicated to the pursuit of a deeper understanding of scripture and an ongoing experience in the reality of the salvation which Jesus Christ offers both me and the world. I have therefore intended it for the following audiences: fellow members of the LDS Church; any who hold scripture to be sacrosanct and the governing word of God, who is the moral authority in the universe; and all who love the Bible and who are open to learning why Mormons have other volumes which we regard as scripture in addition to the Bible.
Regardless of whether our society values or protects it, or does so equally for all people, I exercise hereby my God-given, inalienable right to the freedom of speech. I make a bold case for my beliefs, and I make a diligent effort to defend them accordingly. I do so because I believe study and adherence to these things would greatly benefit our society, our nation, and our world - as it has me personally. I strive to write and express my beliefs in a manner that is considerate of those who would disagree with me; however, I have beliefs, ideas, and convictions that will without doubt be uncomfortable for some to read. I would prefer, as much for their sake as for mine, that those who are likely to be offended by this not read my blog.
I remind my readers that this blog is not a publication of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints and has received no explicit sanction or recognition of any kind therefrom.

Those answers have meant everything to me. I don't think it an exaggeration to say that, to me, having those answers makes the difference between living empty inside, the human being in me un-nurtured, and feeling alive in Christ. It has been an emotional eye opener to me to realize that so many people are desperately seeking answers I believe I have, and living so much of their lives without. A strong desire to help fill this void has been a driving force behind my decision to write this blog.
More recently, in the 183rd Annual General Conference of the Church, LDS leaders told the worldwide membership that we need to be using modern means at our disposal for sharing the gospel. I was reminded of something the Lord told early Latter-Day Saints: “...if ye have desires to serve, ye are called to the work; for behold the field is white already to harvest...” (Doctrine & Covenants 4:3-4). Given my strong desire to share what I believe and why, I knew it was time to start this project.
One of my many favorite hymns, written by Philip Paul Bliss in the nineteenth century, is “Brightly Beams Our Father's Mercy”, which reads:
“Brightly beams our Father's mercy
From his lighthouse evermore,
But to us he gives the keeping
Of the lights along the shore.”
“Dark the night of sin has settled;
Loud the angry billows roar.
Eager eyes are watching, longing,
For the lights along the shore.”
“Trim your feeble lamp, my brother;
Some poor sailor, tempest-tossed,
Trying now to make the harbor,
In the darkness may be lost.”
“Let the lower lights be burning;
Send a gleam across the wave.
Some poor fainting, struggling seaman
You may rescue, you may save.”
The term “lower lights” has multiple meanings. Sometimes, the geological features surrounding a first lighthouse is such that a second, smaller one is necessary. This can be called a “lower lighthouse”. Additionally, back in the days before sonar and GPS, sailors needed a way to see dangerous rocks, shallow areas, and other threats as they approached a shore or the entrance to their destination harbor. They would send out men in boats, with lanterns, to shine a light on dangerous rock formations or alert sailors to shallow areas where they might otherwise run aground. These too were called “lower lights”.
I would be of all men most arrogant if I believed that through the Lord's modern prophets and apostles I had been given the most precious gift ever given to mankind – the original fulness of the ancient gospel of Jesus Christ – and had been unwilling to share it.
And so it is that, feeling a deep sense of responsibility toward my Heavenly Father, and a strong desire to help my fellow men come to find what I have, I humbly take up the keeping of just one tiny “lower light” along the shore.
Artwork provided by Jacob Smith, Copyright 2012 |
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LDS Blogs & Websites
- - learn about the power missionary work brings into your life.
- - study the concept of liberty as presented and defended in the Book of Mormon
- - see how Mormons think about different issues
- - read real stories of how becoming Mormon has affected people's lives
- - see charts and timelines of Book of Mormon times and events
- - thoughts, beliefs and articles written by "an LDS girl"
- RealMormonsAndLDSFacts on Facebook - common myths and misunderstandings about the LDS faith succinctly put to rest
- 50 Faithful Mormon Blogs
- The Moral Liberal - defense of religion and small government by an LDS liberal
- - noticias acerca de la iglesia SUD en castillano/español
- - funny stories and experiences, church news and other articles about latter-day saints
- - interesting and amusing articles about Latter-Day Saints
- - learn more about this central tenet of the LDS faith
Mormon Newsroom
Latter-Day Saints and the World
- FT Magazine - The Rise of a New Generation of Mormons
- The Style of Being - Mormonism, Feminism, and Being Snarky
- Funny Mormons: The Shay-tards
- Are the Shay-tards Christian? YouTube Video
- NBC's Rock Center with Brian Williams: Mormons in America
- Movie: Meet the Mormons
- US Chamber of Commerce Foundation: What Can Other States Learn from Utah?
- LDS Perspectives: Why Can't We Be Friends?
Inspiring Stories
- Delta Flight 15 - Passengers were taken care of in Gander, Newfoundland on 9/11
- Pay-It-Forward Chain - Amesbury Doughnut Shop - fifty-five customers paid it forward
- Tennesee Christian community defends German-immigrant home-schooling family
Evidences of the Scriptures
- Jug inscription from the time of Solomon
- Archeologists uncover the city where David slew Goliath
- Oldest Copy of the Book of Mark discovered in ancient mummy mask
- The Return of the Book of Enoch
- There Wasn't Any Inn
- Discovery of a Sanctuary in Nephi's Bountiful
- When a Jew Reads the Book of Mormon
- Images of places along Nephi's journey across the Arabian Penninsula
- Extensive list of links to evidences of the Book of Mormon
- Parallels between The Dead Sea Scrolls and the Book of Mormon
- Mormon Apologetic Scholarship and Evangelical Neglect: Losing the Battle and Not Knowing It?
- The FIRM Foundation
- The Allegory of the Olive Tree - BoM Zenos quoted in the Old Testament?
Prophecy & Fulfillment
Other/Of Interest
- - A Look Back at the Crusades
- Discussion of Isaiah 53 (He was bruised for our transgressions) on
Content Advisory
I have written this blog with the express intent of telling all who may be interested what I believe as a Mormon and why. With that said, the views expressed herein are of a decidedly pro-Christian, conservative nature, with some room for liberal discussion. Inasmuch as my religious beliefs influence my political persuasions, in those occasions when I reluctantly venture into political discussion on my otherwise-religious blog, such discussion is guaranteed to follow a pro-Christian, conservative vein.
This blog is dedicated to the pursuit of a deeper understanding of scripture and an ongoing experience in the reality of the salvation which Jesus Christ offers both me and the world. I have therefore intended it for the following audiences: fellow members of the LDS Church; any who hold scripture to be sacrosanct and the governing word of God, who is the moral authority in the universe; and all who love the Bible and who are open to learning why Mormons have other volumes which we regard as scripture in addition to the Bible.
Regardless of whether our society values or protects it, or does so equally for all people, I exercise hereby my God-given, inalienable right to the freedom of speech. I make a bold case for my beliefs, and I make a diligent effort to defend them accordingly. I do so because I believe study and adherence to these things would greatly benefit our society, our nation, and our world - as it has me personally. I strive to write and express my beliefs in a manner that is considerate of those who would disagree with me; however, I have beliefs, ideas, and convictions that will without doubt be uncomfortable for some to read. I would prefer, as much for their sake as for mine, that those who are likely to be offended by this not read my blog.
I remind my readers that this blog is not a publication of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints and has received no explicit sanction or recognition of any kind therefrom.

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