Mainstream Christianity has long objected to Mormonism with its "new Bible". Similarly, the Jews have refused to recognize the Christians with their "new scriptures". No doubt, various sects of Judaism throughout the history of the Bible have rejected writings that have since been included in the Bible. What people don't realize is, every part of the scriptures we now have was "new" at one point. Every part faced great rejection and persecution along its journey into canonized scripture. As I've shown in this and other articles, we've been receiving "new" scripture through the prophets in jumps and starts since the time of Adam.
has long been the lamentation of Christians that more Jews and Gentiles
would be Christians if only they'd familiarize themselves more deeply with both the Old
and New Testaments! If only they would look and see for themselves how
the two complement each other, how beautifully, intricately, and
powerfully they anticipate and then fulfill each other!
New Scripture Vindicates the Old
the Latter-Day Saints have born persecution for claiming to have more
scripture and to be a movement that fulfills prophecies of the Old and
New Testaments. It has long been our lamentation and our testimony to
the world that more Gentiles, Christians and Jews would be Latter-Day
Saints if only they'd familiarize themselves more deeply with the Old
and New Testaments, and then read in earnest the Book of Mormon and
Doctrine & Covenants. Having grown up in the LDS Church, I have
learned more about Mormonism from recent study in the Old and New Testaments than I ever
imagined was possible. I have seen detailed references to the temples
and ordinances performed therein as contained and described in both
testaments. (see my temple-related links on my Church page) I have enjoyed the blessings of the last dispensation of the
fulness of times as prophesied by Paul and recorded in the Doctrine and
Covenants. (see my articles on general apostasy and restoration both prophesied and fulfilled) I have seen Israel become a nation, its people return to
their homeland as prophesied in the Old Testament and in the Book of
Mormon - both written thousands of years before these events transpired.
(see Ezekiel 37:21-23) I have studied about the return of Elijah and of temple work on behalf
of ancestors in April of 1836 as promised by Malachi and recorded in the
Doctrine and Covenants. (see Malachi 4:5-6, D&C 110) I have read about an angel which John the
Revelator saw flying in the midst of heaven - an angel who delivered to
an unlearned farm boy Isaiah's sealed book containing the fullness of the
gospel to preach to every nation, kindred, tongue and people! That book
turned out to be the record of the descendants of Jacob and of Joseph
who had "run over
the wall" - a record that was to aid gentiles adopted into the house of Ephraim in bringing about the restoration of the gospel in the latter days. (see Revelation 14:6, Genesis 49:22, Isaiah 9:8-10, Joseph Smith History). In latter days, the records of Judah and of Joseph have been
combined and printed as one book, just as Ezekiel foresaw (see Ezekiel 37:16-20 and D&C 27:5)
For extensive prophecy uttered by the Savior concerning all of these things - promises He made to Jews living in ancient America, see 3 Nephi 21.
For extensive prophecy uttered by the Savior concerning all of these things - promises He made to Jews living in ancient America, see 3 Nephi 21.
Although its coming has been extensively prophesied in the Old and New Testaments, the world scoffs at the Book of Mormon because it claims to be scripture. But the world scoffed at the Book of Genesis when it was first published by a desert hermit who had been exiled from Pharoah's court. It took the Jews forty years of wandering in the wilderness, seeing the power of God firsthand to believe and then observe what their children came to call the "law". Each of the "prophets" - including the Savior - was persecuted and many killed along the way for claiming to be who they were. They reviled the New Testament for claiming that a young Jewish peasant born in Bethlehem and raised in Nazereth could be the Jewish Messiah and the Great I Am. Yet all of these things were first prophesied in one volume of scripture and then fulfilled extensively and intricately and recorded in the next. Likewise, the Book of Mormon and Doctrine and Covenants contain prophecies and recorded events that inform the future in the latter days and extensively and intricately fulfill the promises and prophecies of the Old and New Testaments in startling, life-changing detail!
Read what the Lord has to say about His own ability to teach His word among all nations as He sees fit. (see 2 Nephi 29)
In short, in refusing to acknowledge the coming of new scripture, given by God through His prophets, we blind ourselves to the full value of that which we have already been given. Accepting the New Testament, the Book of Mormon or the Doctrine & Covenants does not mean abrogating or displacing the Old and New Testaments - it means discovering their fulfillment, giving them much, much more meaning! What's more, all this fulfillment means the scriptures prove abundantly that there is an all-knowing God who communicates to us through His prophets, and He is not dead, nor doth He sleep! How else can documents proven to be thousands of years old predict events that took place hundreds and even thousands of years after they were foretold?
Latter-Day Scripture Challenge
is the claim of the Latter-Day Saints that, just as the church of Jesus
Christ produced scripture at the time of Adam and Noah and Abraham and
Moses, Paul and Peter and James and John the Revelator, so it has done
again at the time of Nephi, Jacob, Alma, Helaman, Ether, Mormon and
Moroni, Joseph Smith, Brigham Young, Thomas S. Monson, and an
ever-growing list of modern prophets, apostles, and seventy, each hand-picked by the resurrected Lord himself, here and now, in the latter
I challenge my reader to investigate these claims for yourself. Read the Book of Mormon and Doctrine and Covenants for yourself, and then ask God if these things are of Him. If you do so earnestly, you will come to learn by the whisperings of His still, small voice and you will know as I do that Daniel's prophecy concerning a marvelous work and a wonder - a stone cut out of the mountain without hands and Paul's last dispensation of the gospel in the fulness of times in the latter days has at last come to pass! (see Daniel 2, Ephesians 1:10, Doctrine & Covenants 11:1-2)
I challenge my reader to investigate these claims for yourself. Read the Book of Mormon and Doctrine and Covenants for yourself, and then ask God if these things are of Him. If you do so earnestly, you will come to learn by the whisperings of His still, small voice and you will know as I do that Daniel's prophecy concerning a marvelous work and a wonder - a stone cut out of the mountain without hands and Paul's last dispensation of the gospel in the fulness of times in the latter days has at last come to pass! (see Daniel 2, Ephesians 1:10, Doctrine & Covenants 11:1-2)
How to Obtain a Spiritual Witness
How to Pray
It may save you considerable effort to read my articles about these passages of scripture. They are quick-start guides to help you familiarize yourself with these prophecies and their fulfillment. To begin, see my Church page and my Gospel Study page.
Also of Interest
Get a free copy of the Book of Mormon
Read the scriptures online
Come to church with us!
Meet with LDS missionaries - get your questions answered!
How to Pray
It may save you considerable effort to read my articles about these passages of scripture. They are quick-start guides to help you familiarize yourself with these prophecies and their fulfillment. To begin, see my Church page and my Gospel Study page.
Also of Interest
Get a free copy of the Book of Mormon
Read the scriptures online
Come to church with us!
Meet with LDS missionaries - get your questions answered!
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