The Lord has restored the ordinance of baptism and the priesthood authority necessary to perform it. He has shown us once again how to perform the ordinance of baptism, who needs it, who qualifies for it, and what it does for us in our lives. This ordinance exists in the latter-day Church exactly the way it did in the ancient Church.
Baptism is Essential for Salvation
Nephi, the first prophet of the Book of Mormon taught:
"And [Christ] commandeth all men that they must repent, and be baptized in his name, having perfect faith in the Holy One of Israel, or they cannot be saved in the kingdom of God." (2 Nephi 9:23)
Another Book of Mormon prophet by the name of Alma the Younger taught:
"Now I say unto you that ye must repent, and be born again; for the Spirit saith if ye are not born again ye cannot inherit the kingdom of heaven; therefore come and be baptized unto repentance, that ye may be washed from your sins, that ye may have faith on the Lamb of God, who taketh away the sins of the world, who is mighty to save and to cleanse from all unrighteousness." (Alma 7:14)
In our own time, through the prophet Joseph Smith, the Savior said:
"And as many as repent and are baptized in my name, which is Jesus Christ, and endure to the end, the same shall be saved... For all men must repent and be baptized, and not only men, but women, and children who have arrived at the years of accountability."(Doctrine & Covenants 18:22,42)
Baptism is a Covenant
One of the things latter-day revelation makes clear is that baptism is a covenant. It is our promise to obey God's commandments, to take care of each other, and to remember that we represent the Lord everywhere we go as we take upon ourselves His holy name. These are the words of Alma the Elder, father of Alma the Younger, preparing his recent converts for baptism:
"And it came to pass after many days there were a goodly number gathered together at the place of Mormon, to hear the words of Alma. Yea, all were gathered together that believed on his word, to hear him. And he did teach them, and did preach unto them repentance, and redemption, and faith on the Lord.
And it came to pass that he said unto them: Behold, here are the waters of Mormon (for thus were they called) and now, as ye are desirous to come into the fold of God, and to be called his people, and are willing to bear one another’s burdens, that they may be light; Yea, and are willing to mourn with those that mourn; yea, and comfort those that stand in need of comfort, and to stand as witnesses of God at all times and in all things, and in all places that ye may be in, even until death, that ye may be redeemed of God, and be numbered with those of the first resurrection, that ye may have eternal life— Now I say unto you, if this be the desire of your hearts, what have you against being baptized in the name of the Lord, as a witness before him that ye have entered into a covenant with him, that ye will serve him and keep his commandments, that he may pour out his Spirit more abundantly upon you?
And now when the people had heard these words, they clapped their hands for joy, and exclaimed: This is the desire of our hearts." (Mosiah 18:7-11)
In our day, the Lord has said:
"And again, by way of commandment to the church concerning the manner of baptism—All those who humble themselves before God, and desire to be baptized, and come forth with broken hearts and contrite spirits, and witness before the church that they have truly repented of all their sins, and are willing to take upon them the name of Jesus Christ, having a determination to serve him to the end, and truly manifest by their works that they have received of the Spirit of Christ unto the remission of their sins, shall be received by baptism into his church... confirm those who are baptized into the church, by the laying on of hands for the baptism of fire and the Holy Ghost, according to the scriptures..." (Doctrine & Covenants 20:37,41)
Baptism is by Immersion
The account of Alma the Elder baptizing these converts continues:
"And now it came to pass that Alma took Helam, he being one of the first, and went and stood forth in the water, and cried, saying: O Lord, pour out thy Spirit upon thy servant, that he may do this work with holiness of heart. And when he had said these words, the Spirit of the Lord was upon him, and he said: Helam, I baptize thee, having authority from the Almighty God, as a testimony that ye have entered into a covenant to serve him until you are dead as to the mortal body; and may the Spirit of the Lord be poured out upon you; and may he grant unto you eternal life, through the redemption of Christ, whom he has prepared from the foundation of the world.
And after Alma had said these words, both Alma and Helam were buried in the water; and they arose and came forth out of the water rejoicing, being filled with the Spirit." (Mosiah 18:12-14)
Ancient followers of Christ in the American continent baptized with authority from God, and they did it by way of immersion. After His death and resurrection, the Lord appeared to the people of ancient America and gave them once again the authority and instructions for baptism:
"Verily I say unto you, that whoso repenteth of his sins through your words, and desireth to be baptized in my name, on this wise shall ye baptize them—Behold, ye shall go down and stand in the water, and in my name shall ye baptize them. And now behold, these are the words which ye shall say, calling them by name, saying: Having aauthority given me of Jesus Christ, I baptize you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen. And then shall ye immerse them in the water, and come forth again out of the water." (3 Nephi 11:23-26)
In the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, we hold baptism by immersion to be one of the "first principles and ordinances of the gospel". The following is a statement from Joseph Smith, known among the Latter-Day Saints as the fourth article of faith:
"We believe that the first principles and ordinances of the Gospel are: first, Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ; second, Repentance; third, Baptism by immersion for the remission of sins; fourth, Laying on of hands for the gift of the Holy Ghost."
Having seen it in vision, Joseph Smith recorded this about those who inherit the Celestial Kingdom:
"They are they who received the testimony of Jesus, and believed on his name and were baptized after the manner of his burial, being buried in the water in his name, and this according to the commandment which he has given— That by keeping the commandments they might be washed and cleansed from all their sins, and receive the Holy Spirit by the laying on of the hands of him who is ordained and sealed unto this power..." (Section 76:51-52)
Little Children Do Not Need Baptism - Everyone Else Does
Whereas in the Bible, we only have record of the Lord implying this principle, in the latter days, the Lord has made it clear and unmistakable. The last of the Book of Mormon prophets was a man by the name of Moroni. Some four hundred years after Christ, he and his father, Mormon, taught:
"...listen to the words of Christ, your Redeemer, your Lord and your God. Behold, I came into the world not to call the righteous but sinners to repentance; the whole need no physician, but they that are sick; wherefore, little children are whole, for they are not capable of committing sin... wherefore, my beloved son, I know that it is solemn mockery before God, that ye should baptize little children. Behold I say unto you that this thing shall ye teach—repentance and baptism unto those who are accountable and capable of committing sin; yea, teach parents that they must repent and be baptized, and humble themselves as their little children, and they shall all be saved with their little children. And their little children need no repentance, neither baptism. Behold, baptism is unto repentance to the fulfilling the commandments unto the remission of sins. But little children are alive in Christ, even from the foundation of the world; if not so, God is a partial God, and also a changeable God, and a respecter to persons; for how many little children have died without baptism! (Moroni 8:7-12)
In our own time, through the prophet Joseph Smith, the Lord has given us this instruction:
"And again, inasmuch as parents have children... that teach them not to understand the doctrine of repentance, faith in Christ the Son of the living God, and of baptism and the gift of the Holy Ghost by the laying on of the hands, when eight years old, the sin be upon the heads of the parents. For this shall be a law unto the inhabitants of Zion, or in any of her stakes which are organized. And their children shall be baptized for the remission of their sins when eight years old, and receive the laying on of the hands. And they shall also teach their children to pray, and to walk uprightly before the Lord." (Doctrine & Covenants 68:25-28)
Ever since then, the members of this Church have sought diligently to teach our children and prepare them to be baptized when they "reach the years of accountability".
Baptism Was Performed Before Christ
Most of the Book of Mormon prophets I have mentioned lived before Christ:
These prophets knew of and were accustomed to the practice of baptism. They taught that baptism brings salvation from sin through the Atonement of Christ hundreds of years before His birth.
Baptism Requires Aaronic Priesthood Authority
In May of 1829, Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery were translating the Book of Mormon when they found references to the ordinance of baptism for the remission of sins. They went to pray, and, according to Joseph Smith, this is what happened:
"...we on a certain day went into the woods to pray and inquire of the Lord respecting baptism for the remission of sins, that we found mentioned in the translation of the plates. While we were thus employed, praying and calling upon the Lord, a messenger from heaven descended in a cloud of light, and having laid his hands upon us, he ordained us, saying: Upon you my fellow servants, in the name of Messiah, I confer the Priesthood of Aaron, which holds the keys of the ministering of angels, and of the gospel of repentance, and of baptism by immersion for the remission of sins... and he commanded us to go and be baptized, and gave us directions that I should baptize Oliver Cowdery, and that afterwards he should baptize me...The messenger who visited us on this occasion and conferred this Priesthood upon us, said that his name was John, the same that is called John the Baptist in the New Testament, and that he acted under the direction of Peter, James and John... Immediately on our coming up out of the water after we had been baptized, we experienced great and glorious blessings from our Heavenly Father... we were filled with the Holy Ghost, and rejoiced in the God of our salvation. (Joseph Smith History 1:69-73, Doctrine & Covenants 13:1)
Baptism Must Be Authorized
As in ancient times, baptism is overseen and delegated and those who baptize are commissioned by Christ through his apostles:
"marvel not, for the hour cometh that I will drink of the fruit of the vine with you on the earth... And also with Peter, and James, and John, whom I have sent unto you, by whom I have ordained you and confirmed you to be apostles, and especial witnesses of my name, and bear the keys of your ministry and of the same things which I revealed unto them;
Unto whom I have committed the keys of my kingdom, and a dispensation of the gospel for the last times; and for the fulness of times, in the which I will gather together in one all things, both which are in heaven, and which are on earth..." (Doctrine & Covenants 27:5)
"And it came to pass that the disciples whom Jesus had chosen began from that time forth to baptize and to teach as many as did come unto them; and as many as were baptized in the name of Jesus were filled with the Holy Ghost... And it came to pass that they did do all things even as Jesus had commanded them. And they who were baptized in the name of Jesus were called the church of Christ." (3 Nephi 26:17, 29-21)
Baptism is for the Remission of Sins
In our time, the Savior taught the early latter-day saints about the powers and functions of the Atonement. One of the things he taught was this:
"... but thou shalt declare repentance and faith on the Savior, and remission of sins by baptism, and by fire, yea, even the Holy Ghost. (Doctrine & Covenants 19:31)
Remission of sins comes to those who experience baptism - partly through "washing" away our sins, and partly through the purifying influence that is the "fire" of the Holy Ghost. The savior called this experience being "born again" of water and of the spirit. Inasmuch as baptism puts the spiritual cancer of sin into "remission", it is a form of salvation from sin.
Baptism Changes Who You Are
Alma the Younger is probably my favorite Book of Mormon prophet. Concerning the change baptism brings into to the lives of those who receive it, he said:
"Yea, I say unto you come and fear not, and lay aside every sin, which easily doth beset you, which doth bind you down to destruction, yea, come and go forth, and show unto your God that ye are willing to repent of your sins and enter into a covenant with him to keep his commandments, and witness it unto him this day by going into the waters of baptism." (Alma 7:15)
Baptism changes us from people who struggle to overcome sin and continue to stumble to people who have obtained our freedom from sin, and no longer feel the weight of it dragging us back into our old ways. This change does not remove the temptation or the weakness - it just removes the weight of sin that so often keeps us from putting bad habits behind us.
If you have something to overcome, you may need counseling for the mental aspect, medication for the physiological aspect, and support from others for the social aspect. But all of us need either baptism or the sacrament for the spiritual aspect. Without these things, there can be no true change, for the prophets have taught us time and again that "there shall be no other name given nor any other way nor means whereby salvation can come unto the children of men, only in and through the name of Christ, the Lord Omnipotent. " (Mosiah 3:17)
Experiencing the spiritual freedom that comes through the covenant of baptism causes great joy! The people of King Benjamin experienced this joy as they made their covenant with Christ:
"And behold, even at this time, ye have been calling on his name, and begging for a remission of your sins. And has he suffered that ye have begged in vain? Nay; he has poured out his Spirit upon you, and has caused that your hearts should be filled with joy, and has caused that your mouths should be stopped that ye could not find utterance, so exceedingly great was your joy." (Mosiah 4:20)
Those who have struggled for years - or even decades - to overcome sin, only to find salvation through baptism or through successfully renewing their baptismal covenant know for themselves what the prophets have meant when they said that God is mighty to save.
Moroni put it this way:
"Yea, come unto Christ, and be perfected in him, and deny yourselves of all ungodliness; and if ye shall deny yourselves of all ungodliness, and love God with all your might, mind and strength, then is his grace sufficient for you, that by his grace ye may be perfect in Christ; and if by the grace of God ye are perfect in Christ, ye can in nowise deny the power of God." Moroni (10:32)
Baptism gives you a taste of what it feels like to be perfectly clean in a spiritual sense. How long the joy of being clean lasts depends on you and how well you use the Lord's help in staying clean through obedience to the principles of the gospel.
I once baptized a man who had a lot of changes to make in his life. Because he was willing to make those changes, he entered the waters of baptism, and found incredible, indescribable joy through spiritual freedom from sin.
Read about Raul Castañeta and his baptism experience.
Baptism is For Everyone
Of the Savior's baptism, the prophet Nephi said:
"...and now, if the Lamb of God, he being holy, should have need to be baptized by water, to fulfill all righteousness, O then, how much more need have we, being unholy, to be baptized, yea, even by water!" (2 Nephi 31:5)
Speaking to a group of people, both members of the Church and not, Alma the Younger extended the invitation to experience the joy that comes with repentance. Specifically, he extended this invitation to those who are not members of the Church of Jesus Christ:
"...and unto those who do not belong to the church I speak by way of invitation, saying: Come and be baptized unto repentance, that ye also may be partakers of the fruit of the tree of life." (Alma 5:62)
In our time, just as in time of old, the Savior has committed into the hands of his people the sacred charge of sharing the gospel with all the world:
"Go ye into all the world, preach the gospel to every creature, acting in the authority which I have given you, baptizing in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. And he that believeth and is baptized shall be saved..." (Doctrine & Covenants 68:8-9)
Baptism is for everyone.
Compare Baptism in the Ancient Church
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Baptism is Essential for Salvation
Nephi, the first prophet of the Book of Mormon taught:
"And [Christ] commandeth all men that they must repent, and be baptized in his name, having perfect faith in the Holy One of Israel, or they cannot be saved in the kingdom of God." (2 Nephi 9:23)
Another Book of Mormon prophet by the name of Alma the Younger taught:
"Now I say unto you that ye must repent, and be born again; for the Spirit saith if ye are not born again ye cannot inherit the kingdom of heaven; therefore come and be baptized unto repentance, that ye may be washed from your sins, that ye may have faith on the Lamb of God, who taketh away the sins of the world, who is mighty to save and to cleanse from all unrighteousness." (Alma 7:14)
In our own time, through the prophet Joseph Smith, the Savior said:
"And as many as repent and are baptized in my name, which is Jesus Christ, and endure to the end, the same shall be saved... For all men must repent and be baptized, and not only men, but women, and children who have arrived at the years of accountability."(Doctrine & Covenants 18:22,42)
Baptism is a Covenant
One of the things latter-day revelation makes clear is that baptism is a covenant. It is our promise to obey God's commandments, to take care of each other, and to remember that we represent the Lord everywhere we go as we take upon ourselves His holy name. These are the words of Alma the Elder, father of Alma the Younger, preparing his recent converts for baptism:
"And it came to pass after many days there were a goodly number gathered together at the place of Mormon, to hear the words of Alma. Yea, all were gathered together that believed on his word, to hear him. And he did teach them, and did preach unto them repentance, and redemption, and faith on the Lord.
And it came to pass that he said unto them: Behold, here are the waters of Mormon (for thus were they called) and now, as ye are desirous to come into the fold of God, and to be called his people, and are willing to bear one another’s burdens, that they may be light; Yea, and are willing to mourn with those that mourn; yea, and comfort those that stand in need of comfort, and to stand as witnesses of God at all times and in all things, and in all places that ye may be in, even until death, that ye may be redeemed of God, and be numbered with those of the first resurrection, that ye may have eternal life— Now I say unto you, if this be the desire of your hearts, what have you against being baptized in the name of the Lord, as a witness before him that ye have entered into a covenant with him, that ye will serve him and keep his commandments, that he may pour out his Spirit more abundantly upon you?
And now when the people had heard these words, they clapped their hands for joy, and exclaimed: This is the desire of our hearts." (Mosiah 18:7-11)
In our day, the Lord has said:
"And again, by way of commandment to the church concerning the manner of baptism—All those who humble themselves before God, and desire to be baptized, and come forth with broken hearts and contrite spirits, and witness before the church that they have truly repented of all their sins, and are willing to take upon them the name of Jesus Christ, having a determination to serve him to the end, and truly manifest by their works that they have received of the Spirit of Christ unto the remission of their sins, shall be received by baptism into his church... confirm those who are baptized into the church, by the laying on of hands for the baptism of fire and the Holy Ghost, according to the scriptures..." (Doctrine & Covenants 20:37,41)
Baptism is by Immersion
The account of Alma the Elder baptizing these converts continues:
"And now it came to pass that Alma took Helam, he being one of the first, and went and stood forth in the water, and cried, saying: O Lord, pour out thy Spirit upon thy servant, that he may do this work with holiness of heart. And when he had said these words, the Spirit of the Lord was upon him, and he said: Helam, I baptize thee, having authority from the Almighty God, as a testimony that ye have entered into a covenant to serve him until you are dead as to the mortal body; and may the Spirit of the Lord be poured out upon you; and may he grant unto you eternal life, through the redemption of Christ, whom he has prepared from the foundation of the world.
And after Alma had said these words, both Alma and Helam were buried in the water; and they arose and came forth out of the water rejoicing, being filled with the Spirit." (Mosiah 18:12-14)
Ancient followers of Christ in the American continent baptized with authority from God, and they did it by way of immersion. After His death and resurrection, the Lord appeared to the people of ancient America and gave them once again the authority and instructions for baptism:
"Verily I say unto you, that whoso repenteth of his sins through your words, and desireth to be baptized in my name, on this wise shall ye baptize them—Behold, ye shall go down and stand in the water, and in my name shall ye baptize them. And now behold, these are the words which ye shall say, calling them by name, saying: Having aauthority given me of Jesus Christ, I baptize you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen. And then shall ye immerse them in the water, and come forth again out of the water." (3 Nephi 11:23-26)
In the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, we hold baptism by immersion to be one of the "first principles and ordinances of the gospel". The following is a statement from Joseph Smith, known among the Latter-Day Saints as the fourth article of faith:
"We believe that the first principles and ordinances of the Gospel are: first, Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ; second, Repentance; third, Baptism by immersion for the remission of sins; fourth, Laying on of hands for the gift of the Holy Ghost."
Having seen it in vision, Joseph Smith recorded this about those who inherit the Celestial Kingdom:
"They are they who received the testimony of Jesus, and believed on his name and were baptized after the manner of his burial, being buried in the water in his name, and this according to the commandment which he has given— That by keeping the commandments they might be washed and cleansed from all their sins, and receive the Holy Spirit by the laying on of the hands of him who is ordained and sealed unto this power..." (Section 76:51-52)
Baptism by immersion and by those with authority given them from heaven is essential to attaining celestial glory.
LDS Lower Light: What's in the Doctrine & Covenants? Immortality, Paradise & Hell, Judgement & Resurrection, Three Degrees of Glory
LDS Lower Light: What's in the Doctrine & Covenants? Immortality, Paradise & Hell, Judgement & Resurrection, Three Degrees of Glory
Little Children Do Not Need Baptism - Everyone Else Does
Whereas in the Bible, we only have record of the Lord implying this principle, in the latter days, the Lord has made it clear and unmistakable. The last of the Book of Mormon prophets was a man by the name of Moroni. Some four hundred years after Christ, he and his father, Mormon, taught:
"...listen to the words of Christ, your Redeemer, your Lord and your God. Behold, I came into the world not to call the righteous but sinners to repentance; the whole need no physician, but they that are sick; wherefore, little children are whole, for they are not capable of committing sin... wherefore, my beloved son, I know that it is solemn mockery before God, that ye should baptize little children. Behold I say unto you that this thing shall ye teach—repentance and baptism unto those who are accountable and capable of committing sin; yea, teach parents that they must repent and be baptized, and humble themselves as their little children, and they shall all be saved with their little children. And their little children need no repentance, neither baptism. Behold, baptism is unto repentance to the fulfilling the commandments unto the remission of sins. But little children are alive in Christ, even from the foundation of the world; if not so, God is a partial God, and also a changeable God, and a respecter to persons; for how many little children have died without baptism! (Moroni 8:7-12)
In our own time, through the prophet Joseph Smith, the Lord has given us this instruction:
"And again, inasmuch as parents have children... that teach them not to understand the doctrine of repentance, faith in Christ the Son of the living God, and of baptism and the gift of the Holy Ghost by the laying on of the hands, when eight years old, the sin be upon the heads of the parents. For this shall be a law unto the inhabitants of Zion, or in any of her stakes which are organized. And their children shall be baptized for the remission of their sins when eight years old, and receive the laying on of the hands. And they shall also teach their children to pray, and to walk uprightly before the Lord." (Doctrine & Covenants 68:25-28)
Ever since then, the members of this Church have sought diligently to teach our children and prepare them to be baptized when they "reach the years of accountability".
Baptism Was Performed Before Christ
Most of the Book of Mormon prophets I have mentioned lived before Christ:
- Nephi - ministered from 600 B.C. through 545 B.C.
- Alma the Elder - ministered from 148 B.C. through 92 B.C.
- Alma the Younger - ministered from 100 B.C. through 73 B.C.
These prophets knew of and were accustomed to the practice of baptism. They taught that baptism brings salvation from sin through the Atonement of Christ hundreds of years before His birth.
Baptism Requires Aaronic Priesthood Authority
In May of 1829, Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery were translating the Book of Mormon when they found references to the ordinance of baptism for the remission of sins. They went to pray, and, according to Joseph Smith, this is what happened:
"...we on a certain day went into the woods to pray and inquire of the Lord respecting baptism for the remission of sins, that we found mentioned in the translation of the plates. While we were thus employed, praying and calling upon the Lord, a messenger from heaven descended in a cloud of light, and having laid his hands upon us, he ordained us, saying: Upon you my fellow servants, in the name of Messiah, I confer the Priesthood of Aaron, which holds the keys of the ministering of angels, and of the gospel of repentance, and of baptism by immersion for the remission of sins... and he commanded us to go and be baptized, and gave us directions that I should baptize Oliver Cowdery, and that afterwards he should baptize me...The messenger who visited us on this occasion and conferred this Priesthood upon us, said that his name was John, the same that is called John the Baptist in the New Testament, and that he acted under the direction of Peter, James and John... Immediately on our coming up out of the water after we had been baptized, we experienced great and glorious blessings from our Heavenly Father... we were filled with the Holy Ghost, and rejoiced in the God of our salvation. (Joseph Smith History 1:69-73, Doctrine & Covenants 13:1)
Baptism Must Be Authorized
As in ancient times, baptism is overseen and delegated and those who baptize are commissioned by Christ through his apostles:
"marvel not, for the hour cometh that I will drink of the fruit of the vine with you on the earth... And also with Peter, and James, and John, whom I have sent unto you, by whom I have ordained you and confirmed you to be apostles, and especial witnesses of my name, and bear the keys of your ministry and of the same things which I revealed unto them;
Unto whom I have committed the keys of my kingdom, and a dispensation of the gospel for the last times; and for the fulness of times, in the which I will gather together in one all things, both which are in heaven, and which are on earth..." (Doctrine & Covenants 27:5)
"I the Lord am with
you, and will stand by you; and ye shall bear record of me, even Jesus
Christ, that I am the Son of the living God, that I was, that I am, and that I am to come. This
is the word of the Lord unto you... and unto all the faithful elders of my church— Go ye into all the world, preach the gospel to every creature, acting in the authority which I have given you, baptizing in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost." (Doctrine & Covenants 68:6-8)
"And it came to pass that the disciples whom Jesus had chosen began from that time forth to baptize and to teach as many as did come unto them; and as many as were baptized in the name of Jesus were filled with the Holy Ghost... And it came to pass that they did do all things even as Jesus had commanded them. And they who were baptized in the name of Jesus were called the church of Christ." (3 Nephi 26:17, 29-21)
Baptism is for the Remission of Sins
In our time, the Savior taught the early latter-day saints about the powers and functions of the Atonement. One of the things he taught was this:
"... but thou shalt declare repentance and faith on the Savior, and remission of sins by baptism, and by fire, yea, even the Holy Ghost. (Doctrine & Covenants 19:31)
Remission of sins comes to those who experience baptism - partly through "washing" away our sins, and partly through the purifying influence that is the "fire" of the Holy Ghost. The savior called this experience being "born again" of water and of the spirit. Inasmuch as baptism puts the spiritual cancer of sin into "remission", it is a form of salvation from sin.
Baptism Changes Who You Are
Alma the Younger is probably my favorite Book of Mormon prophet. Concerning the change baptism brings into to the lives of those who receive it, he said:
"Yea, I say unto you come and fear not, and lay aside every sin, which easily doth beset you, which doth bind you down to destruction, yea, come and go forth, and show unto your God that ye are willing to repent of your sins and enter into a covenant with him to keep his commandments, and witness it unto him this day by going into the waters of baptism." (Alma 7:15)
Baptism changes us from people who struggle to overcome sin and continue to stumble to people who have obtained our freedom from sin, and no longer feel the weight of it dragging us back into our old ways. This change does not remove the temptation or the weakness - it just removes the weight of sin that so often keeps us from putting bad habits behind us.
If you have something to overcome, you may need counseling for the mental aspect, medication for the physiological aspect, and support from others for the social aspect. But all of us need either baptism or the sacrament for the spiritual aspect. Without these things, there can be no true change, for the prophets have taught us time and again that "there shall be no other name given nor any other way nor means whereby salvation can come unto the children of men, only in and through the name of Christ, the Lord Omnipotent. " (Mosiah 3:17)
Experiencing the spiritual freedom that comes through the covenant of baptism causes great joy! The people of King Benjamin experienced this joy as they made their covenant with Christ:
"And behold, even at this time, ye have been calling on his name, and begging for a remission of your sins. And has he suffered that ye have begged in vain? Nay; he has poured out his Spirit upon you, and has caused that your hearts should be filled with joy, and has caused that your mouths should be stopped that ye could not find utterance, so exceedingly great was your joy." (Mosiah 4:20)
Those who have struggled for years - or even decades - to overcome sin, only to find salvation through baptism or through successfully renewing their baptismal covenant know for themselves what the prophets have meant when they said that God is mighty to save.
Moroni put it this way:
"Yea, come unto Christ, and be perfected in him, and deny yourselves of all ungodliness; and if ye shall deny yourselves of all ungodliness, and love God with all your might, mind and strength, then is his grace sufficient for you, that by his grace ye may be perfect in Christ; and if by the grace of God ye are perfect in Christ, ye can in nowise deny the power of God." Moroni (10:32)
Baptism gives you a taste of what it feels like to be perfectly clean in a spiritual sense. How long the joy of being clean lasts depends on you and how well you use the Lord's help in staying clean through obedience to the principles of the gospel.
I once baptized a man who had a lot of changes to make in his life. Because he was willing to make those changes, he entered the waters of baptism, and found incredible, indescribable joy through spiritual freedom from sin.
Read about Raul Castañeta and his baptism experience.
Baptism is For Everyone
Of the Savior's baptism, the prophet Nephi said:
"...and now, if the Lamb of God, he being holy, should have need to be baptized by water, to fulfill all righteousness, O then, how much more need have we, being unholy, to be baptized, yea, even by water!" (2 Nephi 31:5)
Speaking to a group of people, both members of the Church and not, Alma the Younger extended the invitation to experience the joy that comes with repentance. Specifically, he extended this invitation to those who are not members of the Church of Jesus Christ:
"...and unto those who do not belong to the church I speak by way of invitation, saying: Come and be baptized unto repentance, that ye also may be partakers of the fruit of the tree of life." (Alma 5:62)
In our time, just as in time of old, the Savior has committed into the hands of his people the sacred charge of sharing the gospel with all the world:
"Go ye into all the world, preach the gospel to every creature, acting in the authority which I have given you, baptizing in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. And he that believeth and is baptized shall be saved..." (Doctrine & Covenants 68:8-9)
Baptism is for everyone.
Compare Baptism in the Ancient Church
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